Maintaining your rock and gravel in Phoenix is key to keeping it looking great! It's not as hard as you might think; just a few simple tips (and some patience!) can help you keep them in top shape. First, hoe regularily around the rocks and gravel to remove any weeds or unwanted vegetation that may have grown. And don't forget to check for new additions every few weeks - they can quickly take over an area if left unchecked.

Second, be sure to water your rock and gravel regularly. This will help prevent any dust from settling on them, which can make them look dull and aged over time. In addition, adding a layer of mulch around the perimeter will help retain moisture and keep weeds at bay.

Thirdly, avoid using harsh chemicals such as fertilizers or herbicides near your rocks and gravel, as these could damage the surface or cause discoloration. Instead opt for organic products such as compost or manure that won't harm the environment. Furthermore, if possible try to use rainwater rather than tap water when watering your rocks and gravel- this will ensure that no chemical residues are left behind after you clean up!

Finally, when it comes time to clean up debris or dirt off of your rocks and gravel make sure you use a broom instead of a leaf blower - this will reduce noise pollution while also being more effective at removing stubborn stains from surfaces. Additionally, always wear gloves when handling materials like stone so that you don't injure yourself during the process!

All in all, following these maintenance tips should keep your rock and gravel looking great in Phoenix! With just a bit of effort on your end each month you'll be able to enjoy its beauty for years to come (without fear!). So go ahead: get out there and start sprucing up those stones today!